

The Problem With Mental Health Treatment After years of working in the behavioral health industry with dual-diagnosis patients, we’ve found that primary mental health facilities are treating patients incorrectly. Over 90% of the Mental Health Facilities that we toured group patients of all different diagnoses together in group sessions. These sessions last anywhere from 3 to 7 hours a day and end up monopolizing the majority of a patient’s time in treatment. People diagnosed with ADHD, Real Event OCD , Bipolar Disorder, Social Anxiety, Depression, and Suicidal Ideation were all lumped in with one another. This caused huge hurdles for each patient in these groups. These patients often didn’t feel comfortable talking about their diagnosis with other people that didn’t understand it. And the therapist often couldn’t properly treat the group. Our Solution We spent several years trying to convince mental health treatment centers to create specific treatment tracks. But eventually, we de